This has been a productive day. I thought it might be good for me to have a record of one "good day" homeschooling! Here is a list of what I have done since getting up this morning:
1 - Had my quiet time (yes, really)
2 - Showered
3 - Dressed down to tied tennis shoes (the fly lady would be proud)
4 - Instructed Weston and Franklin to complete their handwriting (before breakfast)
5 - Made a HOT breakfast for the boys - biscuits, sausage, and gravy! (I don't do this often, but this morning I recreated one of my fond memories of childhood - when my Mom made us a HOT breakfast.)
6 - Walked Braden to preschool - let the boys ride their bikes
7 - Had a short phone conversation with two friends
8 - Taught Spelling (25 Words)
9 - Reviewed the Books of the Old Testament (we are memorizing them and learning to spell them correctly) Today's lesson - Genesis through Jeremiah
10 - Taught English (Shurley lesson 12.3 - prepositional phrases, capitalization rules, writing improved sentences with synonym and antonym changes, and graded their three English exercises)
11 - Taught Math (Saxon lesson 54 - time am & pm, time to the nearest 5 minute interval, daily word problem, reviewed perimeter and volume, and different skip-counting patterns)
12 - Graded Math pages and had the boys take their timed tests!
13 - Made our bed
14 - Checked my e-mail
15 - BLOGGED about my day
All before 11:30 am! I feel so productive!
Honey, are you reading this???
5 years ago
I'm impressed! That hot breakfast sounds really good.
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