Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia!
Sons of men, and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!
The words to his old Christian hymn echoed through my head Sunday morning. Triumph songs that I proclaimed every Easter growing up, continued coming to mind. How much we have to celebrate on this Resurrection Day!
The boys awoke to notes about the Resurrection and a new shirt to wear to church. This Sunday, everything feels NEW! Flowers budding, pear trees blooming, birds chirping in the air. It seems all of nature desires to tell the good news, "The grave can not hold the KING!"
Omar and Lamar are two boys who have stolen our hearts. We met them through Water Angels. Whenever we are able, we invite them to spend the weekends with us. It's a blessing for us to have them! They are truly a JOY!
What a beautiful (guess I should say handsome) :) and wonderful family!!!
Amazing! Love letting God build a family!
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