1.) Do lots of experiments
2.) Make it gross
This week's science experiment incorporated both things!
Weston lost a tooth and we wanted to see what would happen if we soaked it in Dr. Pepper for a week.
We left the tooth in the Dr. Pepper overnight and checked to see if is had changed at all in the 24 hour time period.
The plan was to continue to soak the tooth for a week, but I dropped it into the dishwasher. Of course, it could not be retrieved! The tooth is now inside of the front panel of our dishwasher. Don't ask, it would take too long to explain.
Again, here's the side-by-side. Yep, it's disgusting. Yep, the boys thought it was "cool!"
At least now I have seen hard-core evidence of what is making my teeth turn yellow!
That sheds a new light on our beloved Dr. Pepper doesn't it. I wish I didn't know that truth!
Eeeeew, that's nasty. Note to self - no more Dr. Pepper!
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