"I have long dreaded the thought of getting to the end of life and regretting that I allowed my own timidity or other people's expectations to determine the course of my life. I decided that several of my beliefs should determine the course of my life...I believe that the Creator, has an epic script into which my minute presence has been written." - Steve Saint
When Margaret, Jane McKenzie and Ella came to Knoxville, we decided to spend the day in downtown Knoxville. We started at the Knoxville Museum of Art. I wasn't sure they would enjoy it, but surprisingly I think the kids all LOVED it. The museum has an area for children to do lots of things related to art. On the walls of this area are replicas of paintings in the museum. The children can dress up like the subject of the painting and "step into the picture." They had a good time doing this!
After posing in the painting, the kids sat down to draw at the drawing tables stationed around the room. They created some beautiful pictures for our walls at home. :) Margaret headed home with lots of rolled up butcher paper! :)
The Children's Area also had an ENORMOUS LIGHT BRIGHT! Everyone created cool things on the board. Jane McKenzie made a red and blue circle..."That's interesting" I thought. Then, Margaret remarked, "Wow! Jane McKenzie you did a great job making the Korean flag!" Obviously, my expertise is not with worldwide flags. Embarrassing! However, Franklin created a nice replica of our own American flag. :) After the museum, we headed to a Knoxville restaurant that holds many happy memories and serves delicious food...Calhoun's on the River. The last time I was in this restaurant with Margaret was for our Rehearsal Dinner in 1995! (On our way to the museum we also passed the place where Reid and I had our wedding reception - The Foundry. It was a day full of history for me!) Margaret blessed our family and treated us to lunch! It was a terrific day exploring all the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Knoxville! Can't wait to do it again soon! Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!?
We are a family who loves Jesus. We have followed him to the faraway land of Ghana, West Africa. We know He led us here for His purpose - for His name to be great among the nations. (Psalm 46:10) We are here for His glory alone.
By sharing a glimpse into our lives through our posts we give this permanent disclaimer: Nothing written here is to exalt ourselves. We desire for everything we do, say, think, write, or share to be for God's glory alone. We know this life is not about us, and do not ever wish to make it so. We are not trying to share our "experience." We are not trying to pose for pictures. We are not trying to make you think we are doing something we are not. We are broken, imperfect people made complete through the grace of Christ. There is nothing special about us - except the Lord we follow. We want all glory, honor, and praise to go to whom it is due - Jesus.
Sometimes we may write things that are hard to read. It's not our purpose to offend anyone or impose guilt. Life in Ghana is vastly different from life in America. Sometimes when you read about the struggles of your fellow brother, we hope you are propelled to pray. This blog is our avenue to share how God is revealing more of His heart to us. In the process, God allows us to see deeper into our own. It gets ugly sometimes. We are humbled that He has allowed us to be hands and feet of His work. For this, we rejoice in God's boundless grace.
If you accept the terms of this blog - please feel free to read and enjoy. It's not about us.
"But as for me, God forbid that I should boast about anything except for the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. The world has been crucified to me through him, and I have been crucified to the world." - Galatians 6:14
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