Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Skyping Words for Wednesday

It's 5:45 am on Wednesday and Reid comes running in the bedroom excitedly letting me know, "He's online!  He's online!"

Our friends, the O'Learys, arranged to pick up Overcomer so we could Skype with him before they returned home.  He is precious, precious, precious!  Tiny, but so cute!

(I hope I didn't scare him with my morning 'bed-head."  My hair was HUGE!  It was 5:45 am!)

Our conversation went something like this,

"Ohhhhhhh, you're so cute!"
"tank you"
"How old are you?
Kristie whispers to him, and then he says -
"i love my mommy."

We shared much more with him, but these were the only questions in which we were able to hear his response.  Several times, Kristie relayed what he said when his tone didn't pick up.  His voice of very soft and sweet. 

Each of the boys here at home giggled and laughed as we skyped.  (Yes, they all jumped out of bed as well!)  It was incredible to think - this will be our family of seven.  Seven!

Reid and I will cherish this day forever.  It's the first time we have seen him in real time - in real life.  Sydney was holding him on her lap and he looks teeny on her lap.  His auntie, M, brought him through 2 hours of traffic to the hotel so we would be able to do this!  We can't wait to thank everyone who has loved on him!

Overcomer's demeanor still looked subdued and a bit sad, but Kristie assured me he was just tired.  Thank you Righ and Kristie for loving him so well while you were in Ghana!  We greatly anticipate holding him!  Here's a sneak peek of our precious Overcomer!

Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
Isaiah 64:4
Please pray for God's perfect timing to bring him home.  Thank you.
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1 comment:

The McBs said...

a. AMAZING!!! so excited for you guys!
b. Auntie M... how fun is that? :)