Monday, March 22, 2010

To Add or Not to Add - That is the Question

So, I've pondered...

Will people be offended? Will they run the other way? Will they think we're money hungry mongrels? Will they stop praying for us? And, of course the dreaded thought, What will people think when they see it? To add it, or not to add it, that is the question!

But it's done. Added to the blog. A "Donate" button. Yes, you can help us with the adoption via Paypal. I pray it's not offensive.

Today, my friend Kristie came over. Her family is several steps ahead of us in this process. She shared some of the costs we will incur that are not listed on the application. (Immunizations for the kids - $1200-ish, I-600 for Immigration - $830, Passports - $120 each for the kids, Airfare - telling! Be still, my racing heart!) After writing down these additional costs, she helped me add this "donate" button to our blog. Oh my!

Someone recently said to me, "Robin, you can't expect people to help you with this. You need to be able to do it on your own."

The words stung a bit, and as I examined my heart, I realized...Honestly, there isn't any part of me that expects people to help, but there is a HUGE part of me that HOPES people will! The financial cost is overwhelming for us to grasp. Yes, we hope for help, but we do not expect it. God's people are His hands and feet, right? In the past, when we have had friends adopting, we have wanted to be a part of it. The Lord has been gracious to provide encouragement through friends that feel the same way.

We believe this is God's child, and some of God's people might want to be a part of bringing him/her home. No matter what, God has called us to it, and we will bring this child home. Several people have blessed us in creative ways already to help with this adoption. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ALREADY HELPED US! If everyone gave a little bit, it would help tremendously. So, by adding the "button," we're making it easy if you decide you might like to help by donating to the adoption fund. Seriously, we will need it.

We are trying to "fund raise" through various means. We are working hard right now, but know God will provide what is needed in His timing. I'm teaching Day Camps, we are having a Mega Yard Sale, and trying to think of other ideas. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you for reading this post. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for praying.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


Kristy said...

:) Hoping and praying with you sweet friend!

Mark 11:24 Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Your efforts are an act of selflessness...a thing of beauty that brings Him glory! And the One you serve is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine!

Kristy said...

Lovin' the butterfly puzzle idea too!!!