Monday, June 14, 2010

Beebe Book List - Africa Focus

Two more books are now added to my recommended reading list - especially for anyone interested in Africa.  This past week, I finished two riveting books about life in two war-torn African countries.  Many pages were shocking and difficult to read, but to know the TRUE stories of what is happening outside of America should affect us.  Tremendously.  

They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky by Benson Deng, Alphonsion Deng, Benjamin Ajak - three TRUE stories from three of the Lost Boys of Sudan.  Additionally, these three boys are from the same Dinka tribe as our surrogate son, Mathiang Deng Gutnyin.
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah - a TRUE story about a boy trying to escape the war in Sierre Leone, but sadly is forced to fight in the war he desperately wanted to leave
If you are looking for a page-turner, pick up either one.  Heartbreaking truth.  You won't be the same.   

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."  Phil. 3:20

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1 comment:

Kerry said...

Hi! I'm Kerry from the GhanaianAngels list...just wanted to stop by and say "HI". Our blog is - come on by.

We've had our little girl home for over a year now - and so much has changed (and I've forgotten so much) that I don't often post responses to process questions. Sorry I couldn't answer the i600 post.

I've got a book suggestion for you: The Shadow of the Sun by Kapuscinski - he was a reporter on the African Continent from the mid-50s on. In fact, if I remember correctly the book starts in Accra on Ghana's Independence Day.

Really helped me get a better handle on the political situation (in the long-term) and great cultural anecdotes.