Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tournament Ready

My heart did a flip-flop when I saw this first picture.  It is NOT my little boy.  He looks so...grown up.  There's nothing childish about in his face or his stature anymore.  What happened to my baby?
Franklin received his uniform for the Karns All Star team today.  The day he turns 12.  He plays in his first tournament next week.  Because of our commitment to the mission trip in KY, we've juggled some things so Franklin will play in two of the four games next week.  He is pumped!  His first game will be against his cousin, Zach, who is on the Maryville All Star team.  There will be a family crown cheering for both sides on Wednesday!  Sadly, I will miss the games but my heart will be with him.  I'll be cheering from Cumberland!  Reid's the official cheerleader for our family, so he better yell as loud as I would!
Go get 'em, slugger!
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