Saturday, October 6, 2007

Making the Sun Memorable and The Earth Edible

Since I am aspiring to be awarded "Home School MOM of the Year," I thought I would share my most recent creative teaching! (Ha!)

The kids spent Thursday afternoon building the Sun out of Playdough. The Core, Convective Zone and Radiative Zone were all represented. Then they made a surface model with the Corona, Photosphere, and Sunspots. They had a BLAST!

And then, thanks to Jake, we got even more creative! We decided to make a model of the Earth - OUT OF COOKIE DOUGH! It was ooey-gooey and SO MUCH FUN!

For those of you who don't mind getting messy, here's the recipe:

Inner Core = Sugar cookie dough

Outer Core = Peanut Butter Cookie Dough
Mantle = Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Crust = Roll the cookie in SUGAR
Slice the cookie ball with dental floss and the layers are all visible. The kids had a BALL - literally!!
WARNING: Do NOT attempt this at home - unless you have another adult FRIEND with you! This would not have been possible - or any fun - without Rhonda! She doesn't mind getting messy! She has enjoyed all these Science activities more than the kids!

1 comment:

A Team said...

So, did you let the sun bake these cookies...