Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Walk By Faith and Not By Sight

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith and not by sight..."

It's one of my favorite verses of scripture.  Nine little words that carry great challenge.

This verse hangs in the center of our Wall of Friends in our home.  We have a wall full of photos of friends and family sprinkled with scriptural truths.  These nine little words are the center focal point.

"For we walk by faith and not by sight..."

Our family is still trying to figure out how to do this.  It's not considered "normal."  It's contrary to "rational human thinking."  After all, where is the planning when you walk by faith?

Recently, our family led the second Shining Stars day at a local orphanage.  
Guess what our lesson was?  
Yes, you guessed it.

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith and not by sight..."

Mason led us in some worship songs, then Reid taught the lesson.

So that all the children would understand the verse, we blindfolded all of them and asked them to partner up to walk around the yard.  The kids LOVED it.  There were so many giggling kids!  Precious!

It was hilarious to see them navigate under cloth lines, around deep holes in the ground, and concrete blocks.  While telling them to give specific instructions such as, "Step right two steps."  Or, "Take one step forward."  Most of the children could only instruct, "Come."  However, because of the sound of voices carrying, the kids were able to follow.  They were "walking by faith."

It was a perfect afternoon.  We were thankful to share God's Truth with the children here.  Amazingly, our afternoon ended with a visit from a pet monkey!  A local animal doctor brought him to entertain the children.  I've never seen a monkey on a leash, but now I have.  This little guy danced and jumped to entertain the kids.  Oh, the things we see in Ghana!

After the lesson, we shared Beebe popcorn with everyone then most of our family headed back home.  However, Mason and Franklin stayed for several days at the home.  They led Bible studies, and painted verses on the walls of the home - inside and outside.  

The verses were something the boys did on their own.  Mason and Franklin took on this project without any prodding fro their parents.  This was completely a gift they wanted to offer of themselves.  They even built their own scaffolding!  Oh my!  (There are so many things it is better for a mother not to know until later.  This was one of them...)  

Guess what verse now greets everyone visiting Nyame Dua?  
You guessed it. 
2 Corinthians 5:7.

Lord, help us live it...

2 Corinthians 5:7

"For we walk by faith and not by sight..."

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