This year we enjoyed another wonderful week with Reid's family at Wild Dunes. Although we were in two separate houses, we were together non-stop. It was so much fun and so many happy memories were made.
Great-grandaddy Ross and Lucta "set the bar" rather high! At age 92, grand-daddy Ross is still coming down to Wild Dunes and taking a swim in the ocean! Amazing!

Margaret and Andy looking "
beachy" and happy! It was great having Andy with us all week.

Braden digging a hole!

Ella is all smiles!

Very cool Mason!

Weston enjoying the water. He loved boogie-boarding!

Braden loved to dig and "get sandy!" He had so much fun making holes!

Did you notice who was in the most comfortable seat?

I love this picture of Weston running on the beach. Completely unplanned and un
posed, he was simply enjoying the open area to run and play!

Baby Betsy and Collins enjoying the sand!

Mason saying "Hi!"

Franklin - wet and wild!

Playing in the water with Daddy was the highlight for Braden. Reid lifted and lifted and lifted and lifted him out of the
crashing waves. They had so much fun!

Scott and Diane came over one night. The kids enjoyed playing outside and blowing bubbles to fill the air! They had so much fun!

Our nights were filled with fun card games. "Phase Six" created by Andy was a HUGE hit with Mason. This was a year to go down into the history books because Mason joined the adults playing cards. He even stayed up until 11:00 one night! Whoa - he's growing up!

Greatgrandaddy Ross and his girlfriend
Lucta came to visit one afternoon. We had a wonderful time with both of them!

Franklin enjoyed his new birthday gift - a dart gun!
Hmmmm.... Oh, the joy of boys!

We spent part of everyday at the pool. The kids competed in diving contests, handstand contests, swimming races, and enjoyed floating on the water. What wonderful memories to make with your cousins!
Ella's all smiles!

Franklin showing his diving expertise!

Braden and underwater Weston.

Braden in his goggles!

Braden and his Daddy! Oh, how he enjoyed his time with him!

Weston in the tube!

Braden learning to swim!

By the end of the week, Braden was swimming without his arm-
floaties. He is shown here swimming to Uncle Andy. It was incredible to see his progression in swimming after one week at the pool!

Jane McKenzie is enjoying the pool! Goggles are great!

Franklin is saying "hello" from underwater! Very cute!

Mason having fun!

Braden's favorite place to "wee-wee..." outside at the nearest bush! Oh, the joy of boys!

Okay, quite honestly, this was my favorite picture from the beach! I think it's my favorite because I KNOW Collin's is about to die that I have it posted on this BLOG for my friends to see. Collins, be comforted, this is simply evidence that Betsy's boy cousins are rubbing off on her.

Reid, Margaret and Ross

The Gang with Grandaddy Reid

The cousins!

The Beebe Bunch - all tan from our week at the beach!

And, of course, Reid and I - still in love after 12 years. Here we are at the beach where Reid had planned to propose, and
actully did "re-propose" to me on this beach two years ago. How romantic! Oh, I am so blessed to have him as my husband!

Great-grandaddy Ross, thank you once again for blessing our famiy with an incredible week in Wild Dunes! You are so generous!