Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Yard Sale - Brought to You by the Letter "A"

Wow! God provided in a HUGE way! We raised $1500.00 for Baby Abel Ancelet! A kiss of gratitude and a BIG Thumbs up!



Sitting on the Throne - NICE!

The Kid's Concession Stand raised $90!

What can I say? God was faithful to provide!
My prayer was to top $1,000 for Baby Abel, but "God always does abundantly more than we think or ask!" It was incredible to be counting the bills at the end of the day and see that we were already over $1,000.
Why did I call it "The Yard Sale Brought to You by the Letter A?" Because the things closest to my heart on this day all begin with the letter "A."
This took place on such an emotional day for me. It was Ansley's Birthday - September 29th. All the memories of shared birthdays are precious to my heart! I am thankful to be celebrating it in a way that honors her, and the things we shared together! Oh the tears flowed today, but I know Ansley would LOVE being a part of this!
This week we have enjoyed having Andrew with us from High Point. As his family is walking on the suffering road that I traveled with Ansley, it was special to have him with us. He truly enjoyed helping with the Yard Sale, and even took home an Army Tank from the Sale. It was precious having him here, and just getting to love on him a little!
All of the money is going to help bring a child here from Africa. So many memories there, So precious to my heart!
The money raised is for baby Abel Ancelet. Our family is already praying for this child. Wherever he is right now! It will be a joy to see him grow up. I am thankful that our family could be a small part of bringing him home - for we did it "as we are ABLE!"
Today was for the Ancelet Family! It was a blessing to serve them and bless them as they have been such a blessing to us! We love you! Always!
There were so many funny things from today! Tracie captured it all so well on her BLOG! here's what she had to say...
Wow... I feel so incredibly love and blessed! Over 30 families gave of their time, their items and baked goods to help us get baby Abel home from Ethiopia. My friend, Robin, hosted a garage sale in honor of Baby Abel. We have a bit of expenses to cover due to the adoption and she came up with this great fund raiser. Not only did we have a blast doing this (it truly was so much fun!), the Lord provided! We made $1500 on the sale and the LOVE we felt was INCREDIBLE! Today was Robin's best friend, Ansley's birthday. Ansley went home to be with the Lord on Feb 13th, 2007. In Robin's grief, she served our family and it amazed us. Through lots of hugs and tears today we praised God for how he blessed our sale with incredible weather, people, and funds. It was truly a GREAT DAY!
Here are some of my favorite moments from the sale
-me, Robin, Cindy and Kaitlin all decided to find an outfit and dress up... so we all went around the yard sale and dressed up and then came back to see what each other had on. It was hilarious.
- Robin has the best "loud voice".... it is real high pitched. So hearing her scream (at 2pm)... A Bag for a Buck... stuff a bag for a buck or stuff ten bags for $8.00 that's 80 cents a bag! WHAT A DEAL!
- Seeing different people pose on the portable toilet we had for sale to have their picture taken (we ended up giving away the toilet).
- Having Addison sale drinks... she was saying "drinks... one dollar". It was ADORABLE.
-wearing this UT necklace. IT SOLD! A girl who lives in Robin's neighborhood bought it for her mom. I sure hope she wears that BEAUTIFUL necklace!!
- hearing the kids price the different items. We'd say "what do you think we should sale this for?" and they would say "one hundred dollars"... and it would be something we'd sale for a dollar.
-putting labels on Emily Card, Lauren, and Katie... we played a game of Pit last night and I think there were a few cheaters in the group... I won't name names but their's start with an E AND L.
- Hearing Emile Sloan use her favorite word "jankie"
-watching the kids run the concession stand (which made $90)
-just hanging out at the garage sale... it was SO MUCH FUN!
Finally, my gratitude to everyone who made today so special for the Ancelet Family. Thank you especially to Patti and Carol for coming at the end of the sale for the job that no one enjoys doing - CLEANING UP! What servant hearts you have! Thank you!
And, Baby Abel, wherever you are, please know, "This was for YOU! YOU are so loved!"

1 comment:

Jana Griffin said...

Robin, what an amazing job you did. I am so thankful to hear that the sale was an amazing success. As I said on Tracy's blog: just think, there is a little baby boy out there who doesn't yet know how much he is already loved by a large group of people and an amazing heavenly father. You are a true blessing. Able and the entire Ancelet family is blessed to have you as a friend.